🖖🏻 I'm Jiarui Liang,

but you can call me Bruce.

🖖🏻 I'm Jiarui Liang,

but you can call me Bruce.

🖖🏻 I'm Jiarui Liang,

but you can call me Bruce.

I am an aspiring sociologist. My main research interest concerns examining the role of culture in facilitating social reproduction—and conversely, social mobility. I take a mixed-methods approach to tackle my research questions.

I am currently an MA student in Sociology at the University of Toronto. In September 2024, I will be starting a Ph.D. in Sociology at Yale University. I hold an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Toronto, St. George.

My CV is linked here.

Reach me at: bruce.liang@mail.utoronto.ca

I am an aspiring sociologist. My main research interest concerns examining the role of culture in facilitating social reproduction—and conversely, social mobility. I take a mixed-methods approach to tackle my research questions.

I am currently an MA student in Sociology at the University of Toronto. In September 2024, I will be starting a Ph.D. in Sociology at Yale University. I hold an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Toronto, St. George.

My CV is linked here.

Reach me at: bruce.liang@mail.utoronto.ca

I am an aspiring sociologist. My main research interest concerns examining the role of culture in facilitating social reproduction—and conversely, social mobility. I take a mixed-methods approach to tackle my research questions.

I am currently an MA student in Sociology at the University of Toronto. In September 2024, I will be starting a Ph.D. in Sociology at Yale University. I hold an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Toronto, St. George.

My CV is linked here.

Reach me at: bruce.liang@mail.utoronto.ca

© Bruce Liang 2023

© Bruce Liang 2023

© Bruce Liang 2023